In 2006 Tamasaburo has started a new project based on the traditional Chinese play "The Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭)". This blog attempts to track the progress of this project through various news articles, videos and pictures available on the internet.

For a chronological list of events, see "Project Timeline" sidebar.

For Japanese news articles, see this special section.

To translate anything into English or Japanese, try these following tools: yahoo or Google.


Ticketing, Japanese news articles and Chinese performance website

The performing hall has an online ticketing service (in English).

Suzhou Industrial Park (where the performance hall is located) has a Japanese site. Below are some of the news articles translated into Japanese.

中日版『牡丹亭』來月蘇州で上演 日本の梅蘭芳:坂東玉三郎、杜麗娘を演じる

They also have a dedicated section for Botantei (in Chinese only). Mudanting is how "Botantei" is pronounced in Chinese.

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

A lots of photos and articles!
Hard to get these in Japan.
Much appreciated!!!